Jewish Community Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community Southern Costa Blanca, Spain
Neighbouring Countries - Israel & Palestine

Author: Raymond Kearney
Published: Coastrider Newspaper (Jan17)

South Korea is a modern country that wants to be at peace but has a neighbour who desires to obliterate them. North Korea is run by the youngest in a long line of communist dictators. They have brain-washed their people into total submission and obedience. These people have no rights to object or express an opinion. In this closed society we don’t know what possible atrocities take place there. The peace and freedom loving world have disassociated themselves from North Korea, they certainly do not send aid to it as long as it poses a threat to the peace and freedom of the world.

Compare that Asian conflict in waiting to the ongoing Palestinian stance on Israel. Palestine does not accept that Israel has the right to exist. So-called Palestine is co-governed by a world-recognized terrorist organization called Hamas. The Palestinian Authority (PA) in the last few years has encouraged its people to hate the Jewish and Christian Israelis and actively encourages Palestinian youth and children to stab and murder them in any way possible. If these Palestinian 'Heroes' are killed in their acts of terrorism their families receive a martyrs’ pension. In the last few months the PA has encouraged their people to maliciously burn Israeli crops and property. For the last 30 years Palestinians have used car bombs and suicide bombers in an effort to kill and maim as many Jews and Christians as possible.

Palestine gets weapons and other help from Islamic terror countries like Iran and Syria but why is the Palestinian Authority given aid by so many western countries that normally condemn terrorism. This aid, so freely given, is not used to feed the hungry or for bettering the conditions of its people. The aid given to Palestine is used to buy weapons to use against Israel and to reward terrorist martyr families. In addition, these donations from countries and individuals are used to fund their well-oiled propaganda machine which is designed to cover Palestinian atrocities and demonize the victims of their terror.

Like in other Islamic states, the women and children of Palestine do not have the rights we are used to in the west. They cannot choose who they will marry and although some Islamic countries have a minimum age for a girl to be married, this is often not observed. Children’s schools and hospitals in Palestine are used for the positioning of mortars and rocket launchers aimed at Israel. The PA and Hamas use these locations to launch their rocket attacks on Israel in the hope that there will be no retaliation by the Israelis, but if there is, then for the sake of the lives of a few children, Hamas will win the propaganda war (yet again) in the media and recruit more terrorists.

Israel is on the front line of Islamic terror. Terror in Europe would be much worse if Israel were not our first line of defense. The Israeli president has asked the Palestinian leader for peace talks dozens of times, but he has refused, he believes that Israel does not have the right to exist. All terrorist attacks, whether they are in Paris or Jerusalem are cowardly, inhuman and utterly despicable and they should be condemned not rewarded, as is the case with the PA. Everybody has a choice, but the Islamic terrorists’ choice is to maim and kill as many ordinary people as they can. Terrorists do not deserve any support from right-thinking individuals, groups or countries. The greatest shame is now on outgoing president Obama and the UN who are trying to legitimize this Palestinian terror.