Jewish Community Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community Southern Costa Blanca, Spain
Benno's Story


On the 27th of September 2013, I did my first Bar Mitzvah at the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community.

This ceremony had a special meaning to me, and I started by saying a few words to the people and holding up a photograph of my parents. I said the following :

"These are my parents. I never had the chance to know them, because my parents, my grandparents and my whole family were deported in 1942 from Amsterdam to Auschwitz and Sobibor and murdered. For that reason is this my first Bar Mitzvah (I had no Jewish education).

I am doing this Bar Mitzvah as a tribute to my parents, because they are heroes, by giving away their baby (me) and so saving my life......

It has been an emotional but wonderful experience."